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Old 04-17-2002, 10:39 PM
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Default Playing Like An Idiot On the Internet (PLZ READ)

I dont know if its just me but in my opinion around 40 percent of people who play on the internet are either retarded or morons. In my 1 1/2 years of Internet Poker experience I have seen some god aweful things that have just made me plained pissed off.

I don't consider myself a pro by any way or means, but I do know the basic fundamanetals and stradegies of many types of live poker.

What I have seen In the past year or so was just well to put it in one word. "UNREAL".

I Have also played in live poker games and have never seen the horrioble play that I have witnissed in these interent rooms.

I have seen rediculous pre-flop raises (With 2/7 off) Bets and raises when the player is holding nothing which in my opinion is not used by these morons to steal the pot. I mean I played with one player who preflop rose ever hand he got. Now I know most of you would probly say well use their bad play to your advantage and its easier to win. Well these fishes cost myself as well as the whole table money and usually complete their hands on the river.

For this reason I have discontinued playing on the interent and have resorted to playing with people face to face where I can reach over the table and strangle them if they piss me off.

Just like to hear some of your opinions about these moronic players who sheild there real identity and play via the internet who should be banned from poker indefinately.


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