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Old 11-20-2004, 06:18 PM
Greg J Greg J is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Location: Baton rouge LA
Posts: 10
Default Thanks for the thoughtful replies -- some thoughts

Thanks a lot guys.

This apparently is a leak in my game that I will work on plugging. For a while I have been automatically betting out of the blinds with hands like KQo, AJo, and 99. I found myself in several sticky situations on the flop as a reult. I would bet out trying to get those who missed the flop completely to fold, which has seen only minimal success. Plus, I am effectively manipulating the pot odds against myself, especially against several opponents.

My reasoning for doing this is, I hope, obvious: I am expoiting the pot equity edge that I have. However, it might be better to forgoe this edge preflop for the flexibility it give you on later streets.

I feel a poker revelation coming on! I would appreciate further thoughts or comments. Everyone's commentary has been very helpful.
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