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Old 11-20-2004, 11:00 AM
Gata Kamsky Gata Kamsky is offline
Join Date: Oct 2004
Posts: 89
Default Re: Theories on how online poker is rigged?

I would like to point out that SAYING "ONLINE POKER" IS RIGGED. Is a very general phrase. How about PARTYPOKER is rigged or PARADISE or so and so. To claim all online poker is rigged is completely ridiculous. If someone can make a claim on a couple of sites being rigged it will bring some legitimacy to their arguements but saying that ONLINE POKER is rigged is just completely stupid. Each site is a different site and uses different methods for generating cards. I have played on pokerstars and it seems much different than party on generating cards. I would not believe pokerstars is rigged but if someone showed me evidence party was rigged I *might* believe it. I'm not saying I would but it would be more believable.
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