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Old 11-19-2004, 10:23 AM
droolie droolie is offline
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Default Re: I\'m bored with $0.50/$1 talk me out of going to 1/2

The problem might be that you are bored with poker, not the limit you're playing. Losing your money when you move up when you're not ready certainly isn't boring but is it worth it?

If you're bored because you're great player playing below your level you should move up with a mraginal bankroll.

If you're bored because you're not really analyzing your game and the game of others as you play you need to concentrate more on what your decisions mean. Are you just waiting around for monsters and playing them on auto-pilot or are you working hard to squeeze every last penny out of the tables you're playing by looking hard to recognize every profitable situation and the weaknesses in the other players? You should be taking notes on your opponents, using poker trackers in game window etc...

If you are not able to play two tables at once, why not? Is it because you have to think too long to make decisions? If so you probably need to gain a little more experience. Playing poker expertly is not easy regardless of the competition. I'm guessing if you're finding it easy you're running hot and not exploiting margnally profitable situations.
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