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Old 11-15-2004, 05:09 PM
A J Carisse A J Carisse is offline
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 33
Default Re: How much easier are Party 10 and 20 SNGs than Stars?

I'm just as interested in quantified results as you are, but all I have here is a few things to think about.

My feeling is that this is probably more a matter of style than anything. I've played in some SNG's at PP and I can tell you it doesn't suit mine. It might suit yours better though.

My guess is that hyperaggressive players would tend to do better at Party. Those are the types who are always accumulating chips and are either out early or the big stack.

There are perhaps more prudent methods of doing well, but they are all going to include playing very well at the very big blind levels. Personally, it suits my game better if these levels are incurred heads up or at the most with 2 opponents. With 3 or 4 opponents this had me taking more risks than I cared to, and going out too much.

Stars has 9 seat SNG's as opposed to 10 at PP. This suits my style, because the way I see it there's one less person who has to go out to get in the money, which is worth it to me to take a little less per win. Others may see this differently of course.

Your play earlier in the tourney is going to be more significant at Stars. What I found at PP is that chips became devalued as the blinds escalated, where you could see a good sized stack eaten up pretty quickly later. The opposite of this would be back in my Pacific SNG days where a good stack would pretty much guarantee you the money, as all you had to do was wait for your opponents to take each other out.

Another thing is, maybe it's just me, but my experience with PP overall (couple hundred hrs or so) has been that the cards weren't as kind to me as they should have been. I haven't had that experience at Stars, and the sim may be better. I've seen some strange things at PP as I'm sure many of us have. I just feel more confident with the sim at Stars.

The players at PP are weaker, but this isn't necessarily a good thing. I only play one table at a time (although I'm looking at getting into more), and reads are very important to me. Party players are a lot tougher to get a read on, due to the fact that they are less skilled.

There are more maniacs at Party, in my short experience anyway. I can play against them but too much of this increases risk. This, like everything else, is a personal preference though.

I'd like to hear other people's experiences though (as I'm sure I will hehe).

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