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Old 11-15-2004, 04:58 PM
Irieguy Irieguy is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 340
Default Re: How much easier are Party 10 and 20 SNGs than Stars?

No, I don't think anybody would argue that PS is more difficult than PP. The skill level is the same, ie: horrible. The issue is time.

My ROI is actually a little higher at UB and PS, and obviously my ITM% is much higher (9 players). But I make more per hour on PP because the tournaments fill up and finish faster. That's really the only benefit.

There are plenty of people making good money on Stars... you should just play where you are comfortable. If you have a long term goal of multi-tabling and maximizing hourly rate, you should play some Party to get used to it, because that's where you'll end up eventually.

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