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Old 09-27-2001, 09:52 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: No more fish left at Paradise [img]/images/frown.gif[/img]

A cat should instinctively know where the fish are! Plus, there are a few other problems with playing live poker, even if you are the best cat poker player in the world.

1. Getting a human to drive you to the casino.

2. Getting the casino to let you in.(where would a cat keep his ID?)

3. It is much easier for a cat to watch the cards on the screen instead of trying to sneak a peak in the real world with those clumbsy paws!

4. While playing online, the trip to the litter box is much shorter than in the casino.

5. There are the tax implications of winning in a live game; cat toys are not deductible!!!!!!!!

Just my thoughts!


P.S. You have also debunked another popular myth: Aces always get cracked by some yo yo at the table that doesn't know what he is doing. You were silly enough to play that AA against that powerhouse AJo, and you cracked HIS hand. Some cats have balls the size of Volkswagons!
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