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Old 09-25-2001, 05:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Paradise and Instant messenger re K Rose,bobca

Thats not entirely true. we DO play together at times, but only when we're on simoultaneously, and when we cant avoid it based on the number of people online and the accessibilities of other tables. there is no reason for us to lie about that. im' sure paradise poker is well aware we play at the same table at times but do avoid it whenever we can. there's a reason that we only play 1 20/40 table while playing 1-1 or we dont sit after being summoned but instead we sit at a 15/30 short handed table. there are definitly times when we sit together as a result of there only being 3 tables open at any given time. anyone with eyes knows that.

its pretty rare that we go out of our way to sit with one another though because of the feeling that we may be cheating with one another. additionally, k_rose NEVER sits with us and never plays a ring game. one other thing, we never play together at a ring game if its short handed. you'll never see us at the same table with less than 7-8 others making an almost packed table.

we have never ever teamplayed anyone and it happens very often that we raise and reraise each other with probably very good hands when it's just him and i in the hand. we dont split monies won at any point and for the most part dont even like each other. other than that if you have some security concerns or problems you should voice them to PP and not whine about something that doesn't effect you at all.

one other thing you can do is open up a 20/40 table and ask any regular if he's EVER seen anything suspicious out of erik, LC, bobcards or K_rose. they'll probably be very honest about it and i'm sure if the people with 10-25k bankrolls who frequent those tables were worried they would take some sort of action.


ps. if you do email PP about and part of this, feel free to request i get my chats back

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