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Old 11-01-2004, 12:15 PM
2planka 2planka is offline
Join Date: Aug 2003
Posts: 66
Default Re: A harsh but honest message to all 2+2\'ers


You are not the thought police, but I suspect you're a troll. If you don't like what you're reading here, then don't read this site. Period. Sorry to put it so indelicately, but you have to grow a thick hide when you play poker, and the same is true for posting ANYTHING on ANY internet forum. If you step out of line, the minions will smack you around.

We have a common goal here, which is to improve our poker skills. I, for one, want to know the hard facts of the mistakes I make. I don't want it sugar-coated.

It is always advisable to read the forums before posting. Many newbies just jump right in and, well, get what they deserve. I was one of them. I learned. Now I'm back. No offense taken.

So, lighten up and enjoy this site or find another one more suited to your taste. It's up to you.
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