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Old 10-28-2004, 09:59 PM
DougBrennan DougBrennan is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: Sonora CA
Posts: 345
Default Bursting My Own Bubble--I need to plug this leak!

Last night in the Stars rebuy: we're nearing the money, I'm playing a newly-minted stack that's above average, but not by a lot, maybe 62K, blinds are, I believe, 1500/3000, and I have a couple of super-sized stacks to my left.

I'm the button with A9o, folded to me and I take a stab at the pot with a bet of 9K. SB folds, but BB goes all-in. Well, no question, I'm El Foldo. But I "think" for a moment or two before mucking, and the BB shows AKo.

I do not play again until we've completed a lap, and we have the same situation. I'm button-man, about 50K, folded to me, this time I have AJo. I make the same 9K bet. SB folds, BB goes all-in again!

Here's the leak: all I really know about the BB is that he has a big stack and has been slightly on the aggressive side since he came to the table maybe 30 hands ago. But the only hand of his I've seen is the AK from the previous lap. Yet I decide he is playing me, relying on my previous fold behaviour to resurface.

Well, he's not going to outplay me! No sirree Bob! I'll show his sorry butt, I'm calling with my now-miserable AJ. By God, that'll show him.

So I hit the call button, the hand-for-hand "Bubble Banner" appears on the screen, and BB shows his hand, KK. No help for me and I'm out as Bubble Boy.

Now I'm not sure anyone else can really help me with this leak, a sort of ego-induced-overthink problem, but I felt that writing about it might help me help myself, and I certainly would welcome any thoughts you might have.

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