Thread: Damn Yankees
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Old 11-02-2001, 08:20 PM
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Default Damn Yankees

First, let's get one thing straight. The Yankees are evil and I have a theory about Steinbrenner and the Devil shaking hands sometime around 1994.

Anyway, I'm with a friend during the first half of the game last night, and I'm explaining to him that the series is over. Yankees win, done deal. As soon as the teams got on the plane for New York, it was over. The rest is a formality. He's incredulous.

Then Findley hits a homer and he says, "you wanna bet on this game?" Absolutely, I take the Yankees.

Then Baraja (sp?) hits another homer and I say. "That's it, game over."

"You're conceding already?"

"Of course not! Yankees win. It's plain as day. There's no way the D'Backs win this game."

He was flabbergasted, and now he owes me money. This is a true story.

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