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Old 10-27-2004, 01:45 PM
andyfox andyfox is offline
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Default Re: World Series anti-climatic

There were some exciting games in that series (and in the Houston/St. Louis series too). First game featured a no-hitter (perfect game?) for six innings, then an incredible rally by Boston to cut an 8-0 lead to 8-7. Second game was a tense 3-1 pitcher's duel. Third game was a shocker, 19-8. Fourth game featured the Sox tying the game in the 9th and went 12 innings. Fifth game saw the Sox catch up in the 8th, then have numerous chances to win it, only to be stifled, then finally prevailing in the 14th. Sixth game had the A-Rod incident and the drama of Curt Schilling coming back from the dead, as well as the Yankees bringing the winning run to bat in the bottom of the 9th. And the seventh game, while not an exciting game was, well, a 7th game, which is always exciting in and of itself, and especially so in this case, given what happened in the 7th game between the two teams last year and since the Red Sox finally got past their arch-rival.

The highlights of this series have been the Sox making eight errors in the fist two games, yet winning, and the Cardinals running the bases like a last place little league team in game 3. The Cards just haven't played very well, so there's been little drama. (The Cards/Astros series was exciting too.)

In some sense, there's more excitement in getting to the World Series than in winning it, I suppose, but for Red Sox fans, who haven't seen a World Series winner, I'm sure there is excitement aplenty.
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