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Old 05-15-2002, 07:47 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I took a chance!


Could U have played it differently? Sure U could have, but what would have been the difference? The one thing U didn't say was how big the cut-offs stack was?

Given that you had mentioned that he had won the prior hand playing 82s in mid late position, what was your mindset in regard to his play? I'd guess that U'd have to figure him as one of those "limp with almost anything & see the flop" kind of players?

As we both know, these guys can be pretty dangerous. I guess it all boils down to your read on him. A lot of these guys will automatically call any all-in bet if they flop top pair & they have U outstacked. You love it when that happens, unless they connect with their rag kicker. Bottom 2 pr. is a chancy hand. In your opinion, what would he have done had U checked the flop, or had you bet the pot instead of moving allin?

If you think that U could have gotten him to muck his hand with a check-raise allin over the top bet, then perhaps that was a a better play?

Had the same kind of thing happen to me last week @ FW. Late position limp with QJo. Flop comes QJ5rb. I bet the pot when it comes to me. BB flat calls. I don't like that at all. turn is a rag, and I go allin without hesitation (and thinking it through, I may add). BB was on a rush, and couldn't get his money into the pot fast enough! He turns over his pp5's & I'm history. Duh!!!

Guess I should have payed more attention to his flat call, eh??

Beats me, man. The more I learn about this game, the less I know.

I do know that I have a tendency to overplay what can be too thin an edge sometimes.

In hindsight on your hand, could that be the case?

Anyhow, enough of my very early in the morning, not enough coffee ramblings........

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