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Old 04-24-2002, 05:29 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Tourney Question

I don't think that a fold is automatic here. If he has a big pair, you are of course behind (you still get almost break-even odds, except when he has kings), but this is by no means certain. Since he didn't reraise, he probably doesn't have AA or KK. His most likely holdings are still TT or JJ (and maybe 99), but his play would also make sense as a (risky) semi-bluff with 88, AK or AQ, and a very loose player might also have AJ or even AT (esp. when suited).

Even if those cases aren't very likely, if you think he holds one of those more than 1/4 of the time, you are a favorite to win the hand and have an easy call. Since we're talking about an online freeroll tourney here, the above assumption doesn't seem too far fetched.



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