Thread: NL AK hand
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Old 04-23-2002, 03:22 PM
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Default Re: NL AK hand

Preflop- A 40 raise is too small. I would raise the size of the pot.

On the flop- I would bet the pot, and probably fold if reraised, but maybe not. It would depend on the opponent and whether they could do this with a worse hand or a draw. If a flush draw was possible as well, I would definitely call all-in.

On the turn- All-in or check. I would expect the early position player that checked to be weak or drawing, so your only danger is the player behind you. I would therefore take my chances and bet all-in.

"Would someone slow-play a set in this position? or two pair? Wouldn't they have raised the flop? I don't want to give a free card, but I'm not sure I'm ahead. I bet T100. Both call again."

This bet shows weakness. I would expect the player behind would have raised the turn, if he was strong, to force the early player out. In fact after your showing weakness, a really good player could bluff here.

On the river- A loose player could have called with worse hands. Personally, I wouldn't have called you unless I beat you. This is because you show weakness on the turn then go all-in on river. It would look to me as if the K helped you. Your turn bet size was really bad.

If I was you, by this point in the hand I would have put both my opponents on weak hands or a draw, so I may have checked and called here, so the opponent could bluff the hand. If he did make the straight then I'd just have to bust.

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