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Old 10-18-2004, 10:34 PM
Lawrence Ng Lawrence Ng is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Vancouver BC
Posts: 78
Default Re: Why Aren\'t Baseball Players Be Athletic?

It's got to do with the dynamics on the game. Players may look like they are physically out of shape, but they're not.

You don't need a hell of a lot of endurance or stamina to run to 2nd base most of the time. All you need is great accelation and the ability to run short distances very very fast.

The game is mostly about hand, arm, and shoulder strength combined with excellent eye coordination. If you don't have the arms to throw, hit, then play soccer instead.

Wanna know something that does require a bit of everything and demands atheletes to be in tip top condition? Playing goaltender for Ice Hockey. We're talking stamina, endurance, flexibility, superior hand-eye co-ordination, mental toughness, and extreme patience.
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