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Old 10-13-2004, 11:15 PM
PITTM PITTM is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 39
Default Re: Who won the 3rd debate?

has the current president successfully convinced you that he could run our nation? he has had 4 years to do so already and can still only tell us what he plans to do in the future, which always leaves me wondering why he didnt already do those things. i am much more worried about the current presidents ability to run the country than i am with senator kerrys ability to run the country. which i am still notvery convinced at. (just in case you were wondering i voted slight kerry win. partly because i was not impressed at all with either candidate, but bush did blatently lie at least once and possibly twice. my "out of their mind" comment was mostly in reference to my disbelief at someone thinking the president had a "big win" in a debate where he told a blatent lie. THE lie was that he said he wasnt worried about bin laden. since he has said that he was "the biggest threat to our country" means that he was either lying now, or he was lying then. and b) he said he has met with the NAACP at the white house, this is simply incorrect. i would love to see a record of them visiting the white house...

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