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Old 10-12-2004, 03:03 PM
ThaSaltCracka ThaSaltCracka is offline
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Default Re: Economists Polled About Bush Policies

US economists as a whole are very liberal.

[/ QUOTE ] wow... this is incredibly stupid. In fact most economist are conservative, and you should know that. Take a look at the Wall Street Journal if you like. I think the problem many economist have with the tax cuts is that they were cut in the wrong area.

Personally, I would think cutting more middle to lower class taxes is better because it is more likely to increase consumer spending. Instead, because Bush's tax cut favored the upper class, who are notorious tight wads who like to save their money instead of spend it.

All of this essentially leads to more government spending and an increase in the national deficit, both of which are bad for the economy if they are excessive. I don't think thats a liberal or conservative view in economics, I thought that was just widely accepted.
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