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Old 10-10-2004, 05:22 AM
naphand naphand is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2003
Location: Bournemouth, UK
Posts: 550
Default POLL: Pre-Flop Raise % and Overall Aggression

Excellent response to the initial poll, thanks to all who took part. If you have not done so yet then please do here.

The feedback suggests that pre-flop raise % (PFR) is more useful that pre-flop aggression factor, so this poll builds on that. The conditions are:

(1) You need to have voted in the first poll.
(2) You need to be a winning player, min 20K hands.
(3) USE YOUR REAL FIGURES FROM POKER TRACKER not guesstimates or what you think it should be.
(4) If you have a lot of lot of HU games, filter for 3-6 players for PFR%, otherwise results will be skewed.

For clarity, this poll concerns PRE-FLOP RAISE % and POST-FLOP AGGRESSION FACTOR (AF).

To get this data go to the "General Data" tab in PokerTracker and click the first "More Detail" button for the Player Summary field, and UN-CHECK the "Include Pre-flop numbers in Total Aggression Factor calculation" box at the top of the page.

Enter your figures below:

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