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Old 10-10-2004, 03:35 AM
Kenrick Kenrick is offline
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Default Re: 9 out of 10 terrorists agree \"Anybody but Bush!\"

The United States holds back on what destruction it could seriously do. Meanwhile, Saddam had no qualms about firing unguided scud missiles at Israeli children. And if any Kurd children were around during the gassings, they're already dead, too.

The invasion of Iraq can be argued and debated on certain points, but, geez, some of you guys act like everyone would be better off if Saddam was still in power and killing and torturing and raping people at his whim.

Any time you guys need a refresher, just dig up some 9/11 video. You'll be reminded of what truly evil people are capable of. People under 30 or so might also need a refresher on Desert Storm and what chaos was happening thanks to Saddam invading Kuwait. Saddam's history with the U.S. goes back a long way.

As for the topic, yeah, I'm sure terrorists would be much more afraid of John Kerry and his many summit meetings than they would be *knowing* that George Bush will do whatever it takes to make sure they never harm anyone ever again. The United States finally woke up on 9/11, and you better believe the rest of the world knows it. Put John Kerry in there and they'll all relax again. Terrorists have no problem with beheading a civilian contractor trying to rebuild a country, and they certainly had no problem flying children to their deaths on 9/11.

Don't be so selfish to think this is only about U.S. citizens. The future generations of Iraq are also included.
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