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Old 10-03-2004, 01:08 AM
nothumb nothumb is offline
Join Date: Feb 2004
Posts: 90
Default Re: Seriously Hungover

New Year's, I think it was 2002. Was in Chicago with a bunch of friends. Started drinking at 4 PM or so (I know, we got a late launch) when we bought a case of the worst beer I've ever had, Old Style. (Thanks, midwest.) While we were shotgunning the last of these (between myself and one buddy we went through this whole 30 rack) we switched to White Russians for a while, then each of us drank a bottle of champagne when the ball dropped.

I didn't puke. I was only 19 at the time and, though I was a heavy drinker in college, was pretty thrashed. It was far worse because I fell asleep with all that stuff still in me, without taking any water or anything. I couldn't even hold down water after I woke up until about dinner time, much less any sort of medicine or hangover cure. Argh.

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