Thread: lowball
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Old 09-11-2001, 11:43 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Re: lowball

If you have 543 with 2 cards to go. There are 16 cards that give you a good raising hand and 33 cards that do not. Without doing the math, it looks like a little over half the time you will make a 4-card 7 or better. That doesn't sound like a good kill but its no disaster either.

I would say kill with any 3 cards 4 or lower, or any 2 cards 6 or lower including the joker.

However, you DO need to kill to keep the peace in the home games. So if you haven't killed it since Clinton was last caught telling the truth (OK, since Bush last spoke a paragraph with no pho-pau's) then loosen up a little on the kill.

- Louie
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