Thread: quad surprise
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Old 06-28-2002, 01:39 PM
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Default Re: quad surprise

Trying to steal on third was probably fine. With an Ace behind me, I would probably have passed, but if the guy with the Ace is tight and/or passive, you can take a shot. You were probably right to check behind on fourth and fifth. Your steal attempt failed, and if the guy didn't fold on third, he probably wasn't going to fold later when he improved. Of course you raise with your straight on sixth, but once he comes over the top, I think you have to credit him with having a big hand. You're showing four to a straight, and he's telling you that you're beaten, so don't throw in the re-raise on sixth. I'd probably call it down, but against some opponents I'd throw it in. It sure looks like he was sandbagging with quads. Bastard.
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