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Old 09-26-2004, 12:06 AM
Desdia72 Desdia72 is offline
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Default whadda expect, Josh? after all, ESPN is in the...

I dont quite remember the amounts of the bets, but i remember the hand amazingly well.. I was moving right along trading jabs with greg, with neither of us hurting each other too badly... i think i called from the big or small blind with the AT diam... the flop came JT6 i bleive, with two clubs.... i lead about a pot size bet and greg called... turn was a 5 or a 7 , i checked Greg bet 1 mill, i called... the river was the 7 of clubs i think... i checked greg moved in... i was prepared in my mind to call any bet if a club, king or Q didnt come... but it came... im not one to call all of my chips too often, but i was certain that i had had the best hand on the turn, but wasnt sure if Greg had caught up with me on the river.... after a much longer tank session of thinking than i am used to... i decided to fold... after the tournament Greg told me he made the nut flush with the A3 of clubs...
I am sadly dissapointed at what ESPN did to this years final table.... there were many great hands of poker played between Greg and myself and David and myself, i believe that all three of us were on top of our games.... ESPN showed none of that... if you watch the final table on pokerstars, you will see that either Greg or myself raised nearly every hand and played a lot of small pots together.. ESPN could have easily made the final table a 2 hour show, and it would have given the viewers a better perspective of what actually took place...

In my 3 days at the feature table, they showed me play like 5 hands, me getting lucky twice, and losing a few coin flips... they did the same to greg... they dont give the viewer any idea of what is going on...greg played great by chopping away and chipping up... then when a coin flip situation came up, he was basically on a free roll, that is what i consider playing perfect.... i wish ESPN understood this.... sorry so long.. i will stop now

[/ QUOTE ]

business to entertain. they could care less about small pot wins that they may see as "UNEVENTFUL". they wanna show hands where some significant thing occurred, leaving alot of novice viewers to see the final table like some all-in coinflip and river catch-fest.
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