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Old 05-18-2002, 04:34 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Here is why you know nothing about markets

Your quote:

People don't day-trade the Mexican market much, they trade it on fundamentals and understanding what relationships events have on stock prices and good investment possibilities.

First, people day trade EVERY market plenty. It is just that the Mexican market is not big enough for big institutions to throw tons of resources at it.

More importantly, understanding "what relationships events have on stock prices " is irrelevant. Any widely known "event" and it's ramifications are priced quickly into the market. You have NO competitive advantage unless you are dealing with information not widely known (which you probably don't) or are somehow interpreting it better than others. That MAY be true for you.

Furthermore, you seem to lack a sense of the big picture. It doesn't matter what ONE STOCK in your portfolio does. You are just like all the fools on Yahoo or other stock market exchanges talking about how great their winners are but never talking about the losers. It doesn't matter if you put 5% of your money in one stock and it goes up 20%. That adds 1% to your overall portfolio.

Focus on the big picture. How does your portfolio perform overall? How are you measuring performance and risk? Do you use a benchmark like the SP500 or MSCI World to manage against or do you just pick a bunch of stocks and hope they go up?

All my posts talk about things that are meaningful in the big picture. When I was out of stocks that made a big difference to my portfolio. When I got back in this week that makes a huge impact (one way or another!).

All your talk about buying this stock or that is noise unless you were very aggressive and placed a big % of your money in that stock. If so, we can start talking about risk if you're ready.
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