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Old 09-24-2004, 01:26 PM
BugSplatt BugSplatt is offline
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 99
Default Re: Why do people get mad at their money?

Okay, interesting point; however, it is rare that I muck -say - a KJ in late position and come to regret that decision when I have decided to tighten the reigns because things have not been going well. I don't like KJ at the best of times, and while I of course play it, it's funny how that hand can get you into some unwanted difficulties. So, yes, your definition of tilt in my situation is completely accurate, but I still have a difficult time believing tightening up is costing me more money than playing every hand after a bad beat. We have all had rushes, and when things are going well, not only are you hitting more than your fair share of hands, but most of your opponents begin to fear your every move. Again, I say, reverse to that is when you are not hitting, your opponents know it, and they are playing back at you. I think, for the most part, I do play a tight aggressive game, but there are times when - if we are to use your definition - I play weak/tight. And I would rather play weak tight any day than piss away a bunch more chips because one bad beat turned me into a maniac. If I get that mad, I hope I would have the common sense to leave the game and do battle another time.
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