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Old 02-12-2002, 09:49 PM
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Default Advice on Strategy Needed

I played a good amount of 5-10 stud this weekend (first time at 5-10) at Foxwoods. After the first two sessions, I was up around $225. I'm feeling pretty good so my friend & I have a nice steak dinner and go back to the tables around 9pm or so for one more session.

Well I proceeded to get my clock cleaned (losing a bit over $450 over the next few hours) on what I thought were mostly bad beats. I had a Ace-high straight on 6th street cracked by a flush on 7th street (with only two cards of the suit showing), Kings over 4s losing to Aces over 3s (with no Aces showing and pretty certain an Ace came up on 7th street). Then I go to another table and lose a straight to a full house on 7th street.

Then the kicker for the evening. BACK to BACK hands get dealt first wired Kings (turns into 3 Kings which loses to a full house on 7th) and then wired Aces (losing with Aces over eights to 3 Queens) to the SAME GUY. Basically the above hands alone cost me over $300.

I've learned (playing 1-5 at the Taj in AC) to play very tight (because the old-timers never can be bluffed or bullied out), but raise very aggressively to at least try to force people out or raise the pot if I think I have the best hand on the table at the time. My need for advice/strategy is as follows:

Is my game too aggressive for a 5-10 stud? I'm seriously starting to think that even if I have what I think is the best hand that I should only call bets (similar to the thread on this site about the guy who never raised) until 7th street and not bet or re-raise since people often seem to hang around. Or did I just run into a series of bad beats that doesn't normally happen and being aggressive is the best plan of attack?

I go to Vegas this weekend, so obviously any advice along these lines would be very timely...

Thanks in advance...
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