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Old 09-16-2004, 01:08 AM
CrisBrown CrisBrown is offline
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Default Re: Bush or Kerry? the better poker player...

Hi Buck,

First, the stacks wouldn't be even, because Bush would prevail upon the tournament director to exclude some of Kerry's chips.

Second, if Bush were outdrawn, he would: (a) sit there for eight minutes, staring into space like a deer caught in the headlights; (b) claim this was his finest hour; and, (c) go across the street, to another casino, and beat up a dealer who had nothing to do with the game at all.

And third, even if Bush lost, he'd simply stand there defiantly and claim he was winning, and that anyone who said otherwise was a naysayer, while surrogates suggested that Kerry was un-American for even playing the game.

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