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Old 09-14-2004, 08:48 PM
dfscott dfscott is offline
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 57
Default Re: pulling out your winnings

2 Things. Why not wait until you need it, instead of trying to create an artificial reason for taking out money you don't need.

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Well, needing and wanting aren't exactly the same thing. However, it's not what you think: actually, my wife has been surprisingly patient with my hours and hours in front of the computer screen, but I would like to be able to make good on some of my promises of "riches beyond our wildest dreams!" (Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, but I did promise that we could probably pay a few bills with poker, and her reply was "I'll believe it when I see it," so there's a little pride at stake here.)

Second, if you keep playing and posting, your skillz will grow, so anticipating maxing out your skill level is kinda follhardy, IMO.

Anyway, you can/should certainly wait for 3-6. The adaptation to the 5-10 game is where many SSer's really seem to experience significantly diminished returns, while 2-4 performance seems to be fairly well correlated with 3-6 performance.

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I'm currently at about $1500. I think I might just go ahead and build to around $2500 (moving to 3/6 in the process) and then start pulling it out.

And thanks to everyone for their advice.
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