View Full Version : Zero Rake Cardroom Mangager Posts on RGP!!

07-04-2004, 07:14 PM
The following is from a post made an hour ago on RGP. I've been saying all along that I am going to wait awhile before giving it a shot. Now that I've heard from them, I will be signing up today and playing there if just a few minutes each day for support. Way to go zerorake!!!

Let me start by saying we are very excited about launching the first and
ONLY subscription based poker room where members pay zero rake.
ZeroRake.com will change the face of online poker. We will succeed because
people like the ones who post here are talking about us constantly.

Some comments are positive and some are negative. We encourage forums
where everyone may openly express their opinions, making this site truly
“the player’s voice”.

I want to clear the air about several things:

1. We are breaking ground as the first subscription site, because we are
poker players who have had enough of paying the house as we go and we
wanted to improve the poker experience for all players.

2. We are also veterans of the gaming industry and have sufficient
financing to incur the initial losses of operating a site as we build up
the membership. We are working hard to provide the best online poker
experience for all players.

3. We are NOT affiliated in any way with RakeFree.com or its founder,
Dutch Boyd.

4. To the best of my knowledge, the ONLY poster from ZeroRake.com on this
site has been myself using the name, “Zero Rake is Good Rake 2”. I wanted
to start some discussion about the subscription model, as it benefits
EVERY player.

5. Some posters have expressed “colorful” opinions. Those are not the
opinions of anyone at, or at the behest of, ZeroRake.com. Some posters
are players at our site, and we are happy that they are so emphatic about
their belief in us. I hope that we can all find pleasant ways to express
our beliefs on this board.

6. Our business model is simple. Think of it as a “for profit” club.
The fees pay the overhead, salaries, and marketing expenses. Success is
based on memberships growing over time such that the membership fees
actually result in a profit. The analogy is a physical club room where
members pay dues and can use the facilities. The difference is, we are
for profit, so once we have added enough members, we will make money too.
Everyone wins!

7. Lastly, we are a site for the members. Keep watching for new member
benefits over time. It is an exciting time for us, and we hope for you as

Nothing in life is certain, not every great idea succeeds but I am
absolutely confident this one will. Whenever something just makes sense it
has a strong chance of taking root and flourishing.

I am here to answer any questions you might have about ZeroRake.com. I
will also forward suggestions for improvement on to the product team. We
are committed to making ZeroRake.com a site that is fair, secure and
totally devoted to its players.

This is my promise.

Mark Sherwood
Cardroom Manager for ZeroRake.com

[/ QUOTE ]

Just The Facts
07-04-2004, 07:31 PM
The following is from a post made an hour ago on RGP. I've been saying all along that I am going to wait awhile before giving it a shot. Now that I've heard from them, I will be signing up today and playing there if just a few minutes each day for support. Way to go zerorake!!!

[/ QUOTE ]

What is it in this spam announcement that won you over? What is it that you think we are smoking that makes you believe we think you are not this Mark SherSpam? The amount of times you have spammed for this site is incredulous. More incredulous is the fact that you probably think there is someone out there that does not know you work for them.

Please do not crosspost commercial announcements. It makes you look even more foolish than you did before.

07-04-2004, 08:17 PM
I agree, this is out of hand. You are nothing but a spammer. Hopefully the moderators will see this and throw you out.

On the plus side the thread at RGP got me an apology from Segor. He was banned and allowed to comeback if he grew up.

07-04-2004, 09:23 PM
The post is signed by a Mark Sherwood who was also previously a manager of some kind with Tiger gaming :


Any experience with this company?

07-04-2004, 09:39 PM
This is getting insane - If this isn't spamming, then all their manager did was basically allow the card room to open with people SPAMMING the website to promote discussion.

At that point he fed off of all the positive compliments and addressed them w/o addressing any of the negative comments made about the site, period.

Basically, I see the possibility of all these posters starting threads about Zero Rake being players sitting at about 5% !!

This is the comment that REALLY got me!!!

"We are breaking ground as the first subscription site, because we are poker players who have had enough of paying the house as we go and we wanted to improve the poker experience for all players."

First of all if related to Tiger Gaming, they are the house..

Second of all he is going off what you guys said here, which I assure you he is paying attention to along with other forums. "The only way this site will ever succeed is if it is a coalition of current on-line players that get together to form the site". I shouldn't have quoted that because that isn't it what was said word for word, but close..

And IF, by any chance IF this isn't spam I personally think it makes it all the worse because there have already been connections shown between them and Tiger Gaming which definately isn't a group of "On-line Poker Players who are fed up with paying rake!". Which means their marketing director is flat out lying about this one issue, why not others?

I honestly will not personally deposit into this site and I have deposited into the smallest card rooms on the net! Talking Big Bet and Victoria's Poker back when they had a game going if you were LUCKY small!