View Full Version : possible evolution of the semi-bluff in thinking games

06-26-2004, 12:12 AM
i've commented before about how i think semi-bluffing is going (or has gone) the way of the dodo in today's loose/aggressive games. the folding equity has gotten much lower. this does increase payoffs on draw-like turns with decent hands. since it's embedded in people's heads to call, it seems it's even lost in tougher games. i don't think the new gain is worth the loss, but whatever.

i'd like to go on record, probably for no reason other than my own posterity, in saying that i think a new type of semi-bluff may develop: the 3-way checkraise semibluff. if you do this against 2 players that don't seem too proud of their hand on (for example) a turned threeflush, they could very well think that you could not possibly checkraise two players without having the flush or some other huge hand.

i've laid down stuff like TPTK a lot of times in situations like this and never saw their cards. just a thought.

06-26-2004, 01:07 AM
Interesting post. Certainly worthy of consideration. I think it's lacking a disclaimer saying that no one playing 15/30 or lower should even think about trying something like this.

06-26-2004, 01:20 AM
yes, it is a higher-limit play. it's interesting that it's very easy to conceive it having more folding equity AND better odds than a straight semi-bluff (because you have more opponents and a bigger pot if your outs are good).