View Full Version : Adjusting to the game..

06-16-2004, 09:37 AM
Do you ever find yourself playing with a bunch of passive players and find that you raise less than often just so you don't piss them off? I think its a smart play to try and keep people somewhat happy.

BigBaitsim (milo)
06-16-2004, 10:54 AM
At my home game we usually play dealer's choice $.25/.50/1 limits and the guys would rather not lose more than $20. Since I play online as a "side job," I generally play like a home game guy when I play against friends. Typically I win or lose a couple of bucks, indulging myself in stuff like chasing gutshots or two-outers. We played $.50/1 limit holdem one night and I put on a little clinic. We had five that night, and once I was up about $60 I just coasted the last two hours we played, bleeding off about $10. These guys know I play a lot online and I didn't want them to feel fleeced any more than they were. Plus, I wanted them back for future games.

06-16-2004, 11:53 AM
I find myself playing more hands sometimes. I get bored to death with them. I need to tighten up......

06-16-2004, 12:07 PM
In a cardroom I never softplay except against a handful of players who I've developed this weird I'll save you a bet if it's heads-up on the river and you do the same for me truce. And this is not my choice. I've always had it done to me first so I reciprocate. At a really passive table my first instinct is to just start running it over.

Home games are entirely different and I feel obligated to respect the communally understood "don't bleed everyone dry" rules when they exist.

Al Schoonmaker
06-16-2004, 12:31 PM
I agree. many (but certainly not all) home games are different from casino games, and bleeding people dry contradicts the, "let's have fun" atmosphere.
More generally, you can regard not pushing too hard as just good "customer relations." Weak, passive players are ideal customers. Why irritate them?

Cpt Spaulding
06-22-2004, 12:53 AM
Pissing off players at the table is really a game time decision for me.A younger man who has the "Holier than thou" type attitude. I would do everything I could to irritate and challenge his ego. Those types do not like to be faced (especially around a group of people). More times than not his ego will take over and then you own him. Women I wouldn't upset. If you irritate a woman she will leave. A quote I design my game and life around is " To beat them, first we must understand them. Understanding a person is the ultimate advantage in any situation.