View Full Version : Etiquette

11-04-2001, 02:47 AM
Today I was in a 15-30 Hold'em game with a woman I've never played with before. After a hand which I was not in was finished, I turned around to talk to a friend at another table about what had just happened. As I was speaking to my friend, he turned around to look at the players in my game and the woman noticed him looking at her. She then picked up the button and threw it at me and started shrieking about the fact that I was "talking" about her in some derogatory way! YIKES-- here is someone I've never met thinking that I'm so intrigued with her play that I immediately discuss it with my pals! As I am trying to decide whether to shove the button down her throat or to simply smile and say "sorry Miss, but I was talking about another idiot at the table"..the floor person came over and asked what was up. Two men who knew the woman were still telling her to "calm down" when the floorperson arrived and I was literally speechless. The floorperson decided that no action was necessary after listening to our versions of what happened and we both remained in the game. I am curious as to whether throwing a button at a player should be a reason to ask the player to leave the game. In my opinion, it should. Comments and other similar experiences are welcome.

11-04-2001, 03:10 AM
A person throwing a hard, acrylic disc at someone should not only be thrown out of the game but banished from the card room altogether. If the floor fails to do this, I would speak to the card room manager immediately. This would be true whether or not you were talking about her.

11-04-2001, 04:28 AM
She committed a violent crime, although not a particularly serious one. I would toss her out at least for a while. I would not want to be a casino that did not remove violent customers. If they do it again and cause injury the casino has a better chance of being on the hook. I would complain to management that they didn't do enough to protect you.

I have never been assaulted in a poker game, although one drunk was constantly verbally abusing another player and me. The floor ignored him too much. Finally I said something in response to his vebal abuse. No profanity, no threats, but my comment was insulting. He responded by threatening me. I had the choice of escalating it into a big confrontation, and probably could have got him to attack me. I thought better of it. Its a no-win position. If you lose the fight you lose. And if you win you might lose more. But the dealer and floor weren't doing enough to stop the situation while it was going on. He should have been tossed but wasn't.

I would be careful around that woman. She is unbalanced and could attack someone at any time. I wouldn't want to see her in the parking lot if I were you. Last I looked they had guns and knives in Nevada. Avoid that lunatic.

11-04-2001, 05:05 AM
PokerBabe(capital B too, huh? /images/wink.gif ),

I agree with the above posters, one of the reasons that we pay a rake(or time) is to feel safe. I have been in the rare confrontation with another player and though I've usually let it slide and the situation eventually smooths out; by all means, if you are too uncomfortable, you should definately take the situation above the floorperson. Your safety is of more importance than what you can gain from this player or even the game. I'd also avoid this person like the plague until/unless she shows at least some sign of contrition. Other than that, she sounds like the perfect opponent, hope you won a big chunk of her money.


11-04-2001, 06:51 AM
Perhaps you should have then thrown the button at the floorperson and seen whether he still thought the same way...

11-04-2001, 10:37 AM
would pay someone to throw the button at him..lol..actually floor was very generous to the villian...gl