View Full Version : Questions for the math/programming experts, and any thinking player

05-24-2004, 03:30 PM
There are a few models for calculating $EV as a function of stack size (or probability for finishing in each place), as for a certain point in the SNG, with specific other stacks. Bozeman had a few interesting threads about this matter, espcially for 3-4 remaining players (if I remember the numbers correctly). However, these are all theoretical models, based upon certain assumptions, and upon computerized simulations.

My question: every day, thousands of SNGs are played on-line, at various buy-ins and on different sites. Is it possible to make something like a running survey (at least for one site, so the structure wont matter), in which, for each SNGs, stacks will be measured at some specific identical point (after X hands, Y hands, etc.), and then, at the end of the game, we will see, what stack (at point X) finished at what place? This survey will be repeated again and again (automatically?) for many thousands of SNGs.

I know there are other variables here (specifically: skill), but on the long run, after thousands and thousands of *real* SNGs, we should get some interesting information about the relation between stack sizes and $EV in real play, which might lead to a "realistic" model of some kind, or maybe to a confirmation of an existing theoretical model.

I'm very far from being any kind of an expert, so these are only some thoughts. Is there any sense in what I'm saying? Can it be done? How? And can we really learn something from it?

05-25-2004, 01:21 AM
I think a stat for 'Average highest stack per tourney' (for an individual, averaged over many tourneys) would be interesting.
