View Full Version : I would LOVE for other players to gun for me

08-30-2002, 11:48 AM
I've noticed and awfully high number of posters that get very concerned when everyone at the table is "gunning" for them. Particularly if other players feel they are "unlucky".

If I know other players think I am "unlucky" I am delighted. Anytime my opponents are playing suboptimally and I know HOW and WHY I'm in great shape. Sure, it might be hard on my ego, but I'll exchange that for an opponent that will call my pre-flop raise in early position with his JJ because he thinks I am "unlucky".

Who cares if people are going to take more shots at you? Bring them on. I'll check my Aces if I know you are coming at me and I'll be happy to oblige.

Don't make your opponents think you are not unlucky. Exploit their delusion. Value bet more and slowplay and checkraise. I'll get a monster hand and I will make crying calls to the river until you bet and suddenly I raise.

Surely someone agrees with me?

08-30-2002, 12:29 PM
I agree. Lull your opponents into awakening a sleeping monster. A good lesson can be learned from bad horror-slasher movies; when you kill a monster, never go up to check to see if it is really dead.

08-30-2002, 01:47 PM
Dwayne, you wrote: "A good lesson can be learned from bad horror-slasher movies; when you kill a monster, never go up to check to see if it is really dead. "

Ha, LOL - this is GREAT! /images/biggrin.gif /images/smile.gif LGPG, and watch out for the monsters !!

08-30-2002, 02:41 PM
I've learned to develop what I call an Attitude of Utilization. By this I mean that I have a belief that everything that happens to me at the table is a tool that will serve me positively in some way.

If I'm getting unlucky and my opponents are taking shots at me as a result, I can utilize that to my advantage by inducing bluffs, creating traps, and making more bets, raises, and calls for value. If I'm getting lucky and my opponents cramp up, then I'll loosen up on my bluffs, semi-bluffs, and freecard bets and raises.

If I got outplayed and the guy who outplayed me gets overconfident against me then I'll utilize his attitude against him. If I got outplayed and the guy who outplayed me gets carefull instead, I'll utilize that too.

When something happens that I can't utilize right away strategically, at the very least I can utilize it as a learning experience and file it away for reference and use for some future situation where it may be more appropriate.

The Attitude of Utilization is formed by habitually asking oneself after anything happens at the table, - regardless of whether it's good or bad, regardless of whether it's something that caused you pleasure or pain - "How can I use this?", "How can I utilize this?", "What can I learn from this?", "Where else can this be useful?", "How can I exploit this?", "How can I use this to my advantage?"

Everything that happens at the table has a reason and a purpose, and it serves you. Play happy. Play confident. And above all, play curious.

08-30-2002, 02:41 PM
What does 'LGPG' mean?

08-30-2002, 02:41 PM

08-30-2002, 10:28 PM
LGPG is the Babe's Motto: "Look Good, Play Good." xxoo Babe

Jim Roy
09-10-2002, 11:08 PM