View Full Version : Finally saw the decap. video

05-14-2004, 03:49 PM
I've seen some sick stuff. Real sick stuff. I actually kind of like to see some of it. Drive by the car wreck-type of thing. Though the older i get, i find the harder it is to take at times. I actually wince a little now. But this video was disturbing. More-so the audio. The video i saw was behind the audio time-wise. Some people say this was faked. Not a chance. It was pretty brutal. I've seen it twice. That was enough. I dont even want to hear the audio again.

But here's the thing im not sure about. Did the guy deserve it? Obviously not. Who does that didnt do anything to anyone. He was an innocent as far as we know, but what the hell is he doing in a war torn country that has shown no remorse for anything they'll do to Americans+? Like the reporter for Rolling Stone(?) awhile back. I heard he was jewish which makes him an even bigger target for these guys should he get caught. Is his job so important to him that he goes over in the middle of an escalating war? I dont think he looked at the whole picture. It's a frickin' mess over there. I think they couldve waited for telecommunications or whatever he was implimenting over there.

Along with the Rachel Corrie incident awhile back, is this Darwinism? As bad as it was, didnt they somewhat put themselves in place for this kind of thing to happen? I tend to find it hard to give full compassion for people who put themselves into these types of situations. After all, no one forced them. They volunteered.

BTW...I was also appalled at our troops smiling and having fun with the prisoners. I think the shoe should be on the other foot to show them just how bad that is. Im sure they'll be the first to cite human rights violations should they ever be captured and treated like-wise. Jerkoffs.



05-14-2004, 04:17 PM
I dont think he looked at the whole picture. It's a frickin' mess over there. I think they couldve waited for telecommunications or whatever he was implimenting over there.

Along with the Rachel Corrie incident awhile back, is this Darwinism? As bad as it was, didnt they somewhat put themselves in place for this kind of thing to happen?

[/ QUOTE ]

I certainly agree on principle, but, obviously, I don't know the whole story. I cannot imagine why anyone would go "over there" for a civiian job. And, as you point out, what is the friggin hurry to put these people in the line of danger. This does not diminish the sorrow I feel for the victims, but it does make me scratch my head a little; after all, these people are not in the military and have not been ordered there (or have any other duty to go).

If basic utilities and services cannot be brought to the people due to the war, maybe that would help get the populace motivated to HELP US end it.

The chance for a clean, political victory has long passed. The objecting countries will NEVER change their opinions, therefore, there is no point in trying. It is time to roll out a true military plan to conclude the war. If civilians have to suffer by being denied services, etc. so be it. Perhaps camps can be set up to provide basics, while the trouble makers are being hunted down.