View Full Version : censorship

05-05-2004, 10:36 PM
In an ad for next weeks show which I believe is this years version of the Aruba tournament there were parts of the table where they had added digital fuzz to parts of the table. Not sure if that's the terminology (probably isn't) but it's the same thing they do on a tv show when they don't want to show a persons face so they put the stuff over it I suppose in editing.

I'm assuming it's due to the government "asking" them to not advertise for online casinos. It was still a bit strange because the big UB was there but some of the lower writing was blurred out. My guess is that they covered the url.

edit: I just saw another ad and in some shots they simply blurred out the .com and in others they blurred out the line under where it said Ultimate Bet.com which probably has either some sort of advertising catch phrase or perhaps just says www.ultimatebet.com (http://www.ultimatebet.com)

05-06-2004, 01:39 AM
I noticed this as well...It's going to be really annoying if they do this during the show.