View Full Version : Why is the staff and waitresses so rude to players in cardrooms??

04-30-2004, 05:31 AM
Why is the staff and waitresses so rude to players in cardrooms? I was in vegas for the first time a couple monthes ago and the waitresses there seemed to purposly make it an extra hassle just to order a drink. Example I'm playing at the table, one walks by and asks if anyone wants anything. I ask for a water, she pretends she doesnt hear and just kinda slows down a little. After a few seconds I ask again for water and she looks over, huh she says. I ask a third time for a water and she says ok. Why should I have to order 3 times when I know she heard me the first time? Several other waitresses there seemed to have the same attitude. The dealers at some places were bad also, I was new to the game and had some questions but got no response at all from several dealers. Whats the problem here? Is it because I'm a new player?

04-30-2004, 08:43 AM
Which cardroom(s) did you go to? When I went to the Mirage my waitress Kim kept the bacardi and cokes flowing all morning.

04-30-2004, 01:47 PM
Did you forget to tip your server the first time she brought you something? If so, word can get around fast among the staff, and you might find yourself in just the situation you described. If not, I'm at a loss to explain it.


04-30-2004, 03:23 PM
Go to the Borgata. Not only is the service great- they are gorgeous girls too.

04-30-2004, 04:51 PM
Why is the staff and waitresses so rude to players in cardrooms?

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Could be because the players in the cardrooms are so rude to the staff and waitresses? I dont know?

Why should I have to order 3 times when I know she heard me the first time?

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Or it could be because they are tired of putting up with people that have self-righteous attitudes? I dont know? But, you DONT know if that girl heard you the first time. Matter of fact, you dont know anything about her, neither do I, you dont know if she has a hearing problem or not. Plus, cardrooms can be pretty noisy places.

Now, I dont know you and I dont know if you have a self-righteous attitude or not. I am just using it as an example. But, maybe you should cut some people some slack sometimes...eh?

As for the dealer situations, I have no clue.

04-30-2004, 08:54 PM
Mandalay Bay, Mirage, The Orleans. The waitreses at The Orleans were a little better but the dealers were the rudest I've ever seen and I will never go back there.

It was my first time in any of these places so I never had a chance to tip anyone, of course none of these people got any tips.

I dont look like the average Joe in the cardroom. I have a wierd haircut and dress different. Could this be the reason?

This kinda stuff can put me in a bad mood at times causing me to lose money and not play my best game, causing me to leave the game.

In other cardrooms outside of vegas I get the same attitude. Floorman walks away when I try and ask somethng, waitress walks away when I try and order somethng. Are any of these things worth complaining about? And if so how should I go about it?

05-01-2004, 01:45 AM
I have a wierd haircut and dress different. Could this be the reason?

Not that it should, but it probably is. If you are actually saying that you have a weird haircut and dress different, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that it's somewhat extreme?

Of course, the other thing to consider is - maybe you have an attitude or are abrasive but just don't realize it. I've played in quite a few cardrooms and I certainly haven't made the same observations that you have. Sure, there are prick dealers and floormen - but not everywhere.

To answer your last question - Frankly, I'm not sure what you'd say to them. If you think someone is being rude to you specifically, then you might make mention of it.

I think there has to be something more to it than what you lead on...

05-02-2004, 12:07 AM
ummm...and how exactly do you KNOW that she heard you??

i dealt BJ for the past few months....and struggled to hear what was being said by many of my mumbling customers.
additionally, i'm a midwesterner (or northerner, take your pick) in a southern area so there were a couple of indigenous dialects where i couldn't understand a single word that was being said. my customers thought they were having a great conversation with me based on my nods and 'uh-huhs' and smiles but i was only picking up a handful of words.

finally, there were several players at my tables that would mumble their drink orders to the waitresses and if i could see that the waitress didn't hear it i would direct her attention to the player who had just ordered...and sure enough, there were many times she didn't hear it the first time because it was mumbled.

between all the slot machines and other noises it is necessary to speak relatively loudly and articulately.
additionally, a little-wave (of the friendly variety...not the frantic IM ORDERING HERE variety) and some eye-contact while ordering is helpful.

they are trying to make their money off of tips, and they don't get tipped if they don't bring you a drink....so there is no reason why they would intentionally ignore you.

so many players just mumble 'water' while staring straight down tat it makes me wonder if they are intentionally trying to make sure their order is not heard.

perhaps you were the most clear-spoken, friendly guy ever to step into the casinos and these people that you dealt with were just jerks. since i wasn't there i don't know.
but i do know from my observation that it is not as easy to hear in some of those places as a lot of customers assume it to be.

05-03-2004, 05:25 AM
Whats wrong with the frantic I'm ordering here variety? Your saying if the waitresses don't like the way a person wavs, or the way they look, etc. Then they don't respond?

05-03-2004, 05:59 AM
i'm just saying that the frantic variety can come off as rude...that's all.

"Your saying if the waitresses don't like the way a person wavs, or the way they look, etc. Then they don't respond?"

do you really think that's what i was implying??

all i said was to speak clearly and possibly acknowledge that they legitmately didn't hear you. i say this because i saw it happen all the time when i worked at a casino.

i wasn't there so i really don't know...but it sounds awfully paranoid when you say that waitresses aren't taking your drink order because they don't like you.