View Full Version : Puts and Calls

Anadrol 50
04-28-2004, 06:47 PM
Anyone here making any money on options ?

04-29-2004, 01:38 PM
it's my full time occupation.

04-29-2004, 03:36 PM
I would guess he should learn what they are first before putting too much money into them. How about renting Trading Places as a first step?

04-29-2004, 03:57 PM
Haven't seen Trading Places, but how bout Quicksilver?--not only am I sitting exactly where some of the scenes take place, but some of the extras in the movie are still here too! He should do it just like in the movie. Slap a stack of cash on the receptionist's desk and say "Gimmee a badge!" Aren't you on the PHLX? What's in your pit? This NITE pit has at least half of the top 100. (Actually I used to work for nite, but now for a small local group.) YHOO is a good trader, but RMBS and IMCL have been the most fun.

04-29-2004, 04:19 PM
Haven't seen Quicksilver. Trading Places is an Eddie Murphy/Dan Akroyd movie. Basically at the end they switch the report their bosses steal so instead of the weak orange crop their bosses expected there was a strong one. Need I say they did a little short selling (and had no trouble covering them at a substantial profit) and retired to beautiful island. Since it is a comedy the ending is no surprise. It's more how they get there that is the fun.