View Full Version : My First Poker Stats

04-18-2004, 05:24 PM
Hi, Barely 2,000 hands but wanted to get some feedback on my early stats.

My Stats (http://pokerstart.com/pokertracker1.gif)

Appreciate any input. thanks.


04-18-2004, 06:00 PM
2000 hands isnt much but ok:

Preflop: Ok, raising 11% is ok, u could be more aggressive and play some more hands, but better start tight.

You fold to much in the blinds when someone is trying to steal. A decent player is raising any pair most Axo and any Axs and a lot of ok, but not very good high cards like QTo and KTo, first in from LP. Reraise when you got better then their average raising hand. Call with a lot of hands in BB. (2000 hands is way to little to look at your position stats, but after another 20K hands or something...)

You are winning 30% with seen flop. Many aggressive guys - playing 5/10 and 10/20 - is between 37-42% here. Indicating you aint playing aggressive enough from flop on. But its 1/2, not 5/10 or 10/20 so maybe they play much looser. What is your aggression factor (from Poker Tracker) on different streets?

Won $ at showdown is also a bit high. You can be on a good run. Or you are not trying to steal enough on river, or you are not calling enough with a weak but not hopless hand. Odds on river often makes it worth stealing or calling with a weak hand.

04-18-2004, 09:02 PM
1/2 is a lot different than 5/10 or 10/20. With 4-5 people seeing every flop, you're not going to win 40%. Also, you people who talk about raising first in on the button with any ace...raising stuff in the CO...it's never folded to you on the button in a 1/2 game.

04-19-2004, 03:09 AM
Then you should normally fold that hand in CO, not call.

People coming in with to many hands make some drawing hands limpable from early position. But high card hands - that is hands that you dont want to play muliway like ATo, KTo, QJo - should often be raised/folded even after 1 limper. 2 limper is a bit tougher.

99% of us now playing 5/10 or 10/20 shorthanded have done hundreds, if not thousands of hours at lower levels, like 1/2 shorth, there is no other way to learn the game. I started to learn at Paradise 1/2, 5max, 2 years ago.

Nate tha' Great
04-19-2004, 12:43 PM
You're playing much too tight before the flop.

04-19-2004, 07:55 PM
My Agression Factor is:

Preflop: 1.42
Flop: 3.74
Turn: 2.85
River: 1.98


04-19-2004, 08:41 PM
your stats are a testament to how crappy the 1/2 game is

i see a bunch more flops and i win 40% of the flops i see - true that my stats are for higher limits so less runners pre-flop but that doesnt account for the discrepancy

i think that you should play more hands and defend the BB a lot more - you would struggle to survive in a higher limit game playing this tight - guys like nate (not to mention the super aggro blind stealers that are common at party 6 max) will be rushing to pinch your blind and you'll never see a flop for free

stripsqueez - chickenhawk

04-23-2004, 11:11 PM
actually my BB defense stat is WAY off. I looked at my other databases and my number is more like in the 67% area.

90% is kinda ridiculous. Just must be s short run where I've got absolutely nothing in the BB or something.

My SB I gotta work on tho, I think thats the weakest part of my game.
