View Full Version : When is it correct to Raise a flush or straight draw?

04-13-2004, 06:03 PM
When is the correct time to raise an open ended straight draw or a 4 card flush draw? You do not want to scare anyone out with a raise if your flush hits but yet at the same time when it misses you want to be able to bluff people out.

Sometimes i will raise an open ended straight draw, or a flush draw, sometimes I'll just call. just kinda depends on my mood.

I used to raise on the flop with a flush or straight draw if I was the button and then hope to get a free card on the turn but now I find myself never doing that. I will keep betting the streets if it is checked to me even if i missed my hand.

What do you guys do in these situations?

04-13-2004, 06:10 PM
In general, if you have at least three callers behind you, then you want to raise these for value so that you win a bigger pot when you hit. However, if you're early to act and others remain, then you don't want to drive out your customers.

Heads up, you can sometimes make your opponent fold by raising the flop (especially if there's an ace or king on the board), then following through with a turn bet (even if you don't hit). However, most experienced players will notice the two-flush and will likely call down with a fair hand. The OESD is better disguised.

James Boston
04-13-2004, 06:21 PM
Position becomes very important in these situations. LP raises are great, because they add value and could get you a free card. However, don't bet for value if it's checked to you in LP. Take the free card. In EP and MP it can be tricky. I don't suggest opening the betting. It's unlikely to buy you the pot, it's a only a value bet, and an aggressive opponent behind you could end up isolating you with an unmade hand. A check-raise would work well if you anticipated several callers.

04-13-2004, 08:49 PM
Rammin' and Jammin' on a Draw (http://slicer.headsupclub.com:3455/16/26)

04-13-2004, 08:55 PM
If I've got Ax or Kx suited, I'm raising LP with at least 3 callers. Any other hand, I'd like to know what others think. I just call with those and OESD.

04-14-2004, 10:44 AM
Against a good player, I'll raise the flop on a draw, and if he just calls, I'll check through the turn.

If my draw doesn't get there, I'll raise his river bet. A good player will likely fold, but not always.