View Full Version : Sponsers/Mentors/Adoption Program?

04-13-2004, 12:52 PM
I have been having a lot a trouble playing Holdem recently. I have been losing lately and about ready to turn back to the books and reread them again or even just cashing out completely. I do not believe that it is just a bad series. I believe that I have many holes in my game and I would like a second opinion.

Did I read that some of the more senior posters would assist newer posters by reviewing hands and pointing out errors? I am not talking about a specific hand, but rather a review of a series of hands?

Just curious. Doesn't hurt to ask, but would be incredibly helpful if it does exist.

Mike Gallo
04-13-2004, 01:12 PM

Post some specific hands. You will find many posters more than happy to help you.

04-13-2004, 03:07 PM
I'm concerning myself with
"Am I folding hands I should be playing" and "Am I seeing hands to the end I should have folded on the first post-flop bet". I don't think these tendancies can be pointed out in specific hands, but I will look for a couple.

Please note, I truly appreciate everyone's comments and I am not taking it for granted.

04-13-2004, 11:02 PM
BonusWhores.com will do an analysis of 100 hands (for a fee). Check 'em out. I have no affiliation with them, yada yada, and I think they're still doing it, dunno.

It's generally ill advised to post more than one HH at a time here because people will fall asleep after the first one; posts with just one hand in them get many more replies and much more interesting debate.

If you can group a bunch of closely related questions together, that might help, too. eg "I folded these 20 hands at these positions after X limpers" and see what happens.

Best of luck,

04-14-2004, 12:18 AM
Sloats, I sent you a PM.

04-14-2004, 12:32 AM
I seem to recall author Bob Ciaffone analyzing hand histories for a fee, but I may have him confused with somebody else. If interested, you can try asking him by reaching him via his website.

Good luck,