View Full Version : How to find a happy medium?

04-12-2004, 09:28 PM
So I have a problem. When I play "serious" poker, I tend to do much better, but am much more prone to tilt and really don't enjoy playing, I just do it to win and make more BB. However, when I play relaxed poker, and watch television or read a (non poker) book while I play, I don't tilt, but I don't have nearly as good results. How can I find the medium between the two, where I can win, and not let the losses bother me? Don't suggest I move down limits, because I only play Party .5/1, hehe.

04-12-2004, 09:39 PM
If you can play "fun" poker and still win then I would say you have already found the happy medium.

04-12-2004, 09:39 PM
I think the real question here is... why are you playing?
Are you playing for fun or for money? If you're playing for money it might be difficult to make it fun too but there are ways. If you're playing for fun just roll with it. Overall if you're going to play you will have good days and bad. Even the top pros have days that they get their butts kicked. It's always more fun when you're winning. So, when you're loosing buckle down and play winning poker. It will become more fun.

Lastly do whatever you have to do to get over your tilt problem. Bad beats happen to everyone. The only reason to get upset playing poker is if you screwed up. Even then, just fix the problem and move on. Tilting is never any fun and can prove to be very costly.