View Full Version : Is there a straight poker room out there?

04-12-2004, 05:58 PM
I have played in several different on line poker rooms. It seems that if you play more than 1 session in a 2 day period, the first session you can win, and all the others you can't. I play Sklansky's rankings and nothing lower than 6. In the first session I can always win. In any subsequent sessions, I will always lose. Is this just me or is it rigged to stop people from playing to often?

04-12-2004, 06:02 PM
Yes it all rigged. Also I suggest limiting to one session a day to avoid the losing one.

04-12-2004, 06:09 PM
A raked poker room would never want people playing more than one session. I think you are onto something.

04-12-2004, 06:09 PM
Wow after a first post like this you may need about 500 more to compensate.

04-12-2004, 06:14 PM
Uh yeah there are straight ones.

After a horriffic run at party 3 weeks ago, I have had 8 straight winners at the PRIMA 100NL for nice $$. if you can beat one, you can beat them all. You just need to adjust to the play at the time.

04-12-2004, 06:22 PM
Wow after a first post like this you may need about 500 more to compensate.

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04-12-2004, 06:22 PM
I have a hideous problem too.

I put my cash into the site, any site, and then around a week later I cash it out.

A week or so later, I end up cashing out a similar amount.

It doesn't end there, I sometimes play twice as hard to break this hideous curse, and then end up cashing out in 3 or 4 days.

No matter how I try, the cash just keeps piling up until I have to withdraw it.

Desperate, I often end up cashing out the whole amount and going to another site, but the same riggedness seems to inhabit them all.

I have found the only way to stop this from happening is to stop playing entirely.

Can you help me?


04-12-2004, 06:38 PM
I too have become aware of this problem, and thankfully I have found a solution. Like the solution to so many of life's problems it can easily solved by moderate to large quantities of alcohol....which can often lead to more problems....which can once again be solved by, well you get the point.

04-12-2004, 06:45 PM
is it rigged to stop people from playing to often?

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That is the single stupidest remark I have ever heard. I think I am now dumber for actually having read it.

04-12-2004, 06:48 PM
I have played in several different on line poker rooms. It seems that if you play more than 1 session in a 2 day period, the first session you can win, and all the others you can't. I play Sklansky's rankings and nothing lower than 6. In the first session I can always win. In any subsequent sessions, I will always lose. Is this just me or is it rigged to stop people from playing to often?

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Another one figured it out.

That's why you need at least a 600BB bankroll and multiple accounts so you can move around from site to site. If you do it right you will only show up on the same site about once a week. More than enough for the software to "forget you" and then you can put in another winning session.

It also helps to do a little cash-in. They love it when you cash-in and will give you a little extra juice.

Even if you have more than 100BB in a site if you haven't played there in a few days it doesn't hurt to deposit another 25-50BB before you start your session. Just make sure you stay long enough in the session to make the extra money you have tied up from your BankRoll +EV. I think 5-6 hour sessions is just about right.

Nice catch, I bet you can't wait 'til you figure the other 9/10ths out.

04-12-2004, 07:47 PM
is it rigged to stop people from playing to often?

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That is the single stupidest remark I have ever heard. I think I am now dumber for actually having read it.

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Looks like someone saw Billy Madison on USA today /images/graemlins/smile.gif

04-12-2004, 08:03 PM
Is this just me or is it rigged to stop people from playing to often?

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It's easy enough for the sites to rig the games when half the players at the table are in their first session and the other half have already played a few times: the site just has to make sure the money flows from the second group to the first group.

It's really tricky, though, when the entire table is playing its first session. Then the site has to make sure all the players come out ahead, which is, for technical reasons I won't go into here, rather more difficult.

04-12-2004, 08:20 PM
For your first session, you sit down, mentally aware, all your faculties operating full speed ahead. You're aware. You're playing premium hands. You're reading hands.

By the 3-4th hour, you're kinda tired. You're not paying as close attention. Maybe something interesting on TV. Who knows. You begin to leak cash.

You take a break for a couple days. Rejuvenated, you strike back with a vengeance. And so the cycle continues.

Lesson. Take frequent breaks. Some people stay focused for 30 hours at a time. Others (like me) can't.

That's okay. But work around it.

Ed Miller
04-12-2004, 08:25 PM
You should switch to playing only cards higher than 7 in your "off" sessions. They don't like people who play 6's too much...

04-12-2004, 08:43 PM
I'm sure this or a similar reply has already been made, but I, for one, only play in the homosexual poker rooms. Much friendlier than the straight ones.

04-12-2004, 09:41 PM
Possibility 1: Online poker is rigged.
Possibility 2: You are not very good at poker, despite playing only group 6 hands and up.

Who's to say which is true in this topsy-turvy world we live in?

04-12-2004, 09:44 PM
You should switch to playing only cards higher than 7 in your "off" sessions. They don't like people who play 6's too much...

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess a dozen people piling on this guy wasn't enough. So, the guy writing a book trying to help people exactly like this new poster needed to stomp on him to.

People regularly criticize me for being too harsh on others, including new posters. But, I never do stuff like this. What exactly are the last half dozen or so people in this thread thinking?

04-12-2004, 10:37 PM
i agree , this was bad. for shame majorkong!

Ed Miller
04-12-2004, 11:08 PM
I apologize.

04-12-2004, 11:29 PM
Where are the Gay Poker Rooms.

04-12-2004, 11:35 PM
Okay, Okay! I give! I am brand new at this Poker thing. I never played the game before 2 months ago. I have never played a live game, only games on the Internet. In my defense, I am a programmer for one, and a very quick study. I have read some books on the subject, and fully understand the logic and the math.

I always look for holes in programs. After all, on the Internet you are playing with/against a program as well as the people.

Try a test and see for your self.

1) Pick a poker site and don't go to it for a couple days. Or better yet find a new one.

2) Log in to your session # 1 for the day pick a low limit table.

3) play 20 hands and raise all of the way through each hand not matter what the cards.

4) log out of the site and shut off your computer for a 1/2 hr. This is so you will have a fresh IP address the next time you log in.

5) Turn on your computer and log back into the same site.

6) go to the same low limit table and play 20 hands the exact same way. rainsing all the way through the hands.

I would be interested in the outcome.

I have done this twice on different sites and the outcome was the same. I had a net win on session # 1 and a net loss on session # 2.

Oh yeah, I was fresh as a daisy for all of the sessions. Had my Wheaties that morning and that sort of thing.

Ed Miller
04-12-2004, 11:41 PM

While you are correct that the software easily COULD cheat, it doesn't. You are new to poker, but there are people who have played hundreds of thousands of hands, and many of them have kept a detailed database of EVERY hand that they've played. If there were any systematic improprieties in the distribution of cards, this data would quickly expose it.

Among millions of online poker players and billions of hands played, there has not been one player with a clear, documented case of a bad shuffle.

The fluctuations you are experiencing are purely coincidence and are absolutely natural events.

04-12-2004, 11:47 PM
Although I am skeptical, I will take your word for it.

04-13-2004, 12:34 AM
I apologize.

[/ QUOTE ]

it only proves one thing, even after you write a book, you are still human...

04-13-2004, 12:39 AM
you could be right. i have experienced the same thing with WSEX poker, but since i couldn't duplicate it later, i gave up on the idea. now that you brought it back up, it could very well have been one of your cases.

i would hit solid for the ENTIRE session NO MATTER WHAT I DID. and as i recall correctly, it was probably my first session...

no joke.

but i don't know about other sites. most sites feel pretty legit to me. Paradise, Party, Empire, Pokerstars, u name it, they all feel fine...


04-13-2004, 12:50 AM
Where are the Gay Poker Rooms.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, where "holding the nuts" really means something.

04-13-2004, 01:02 AM
there is a post on the internet forum on the same topic titled 'professional's opion of party poker'....

jim easton shared his hand distrubtion of over 200k hands and he gets roughly the same number for all of his off-suit hands....also gets the the same for each of his pocket-pairs.....and he also gets the expected number for his suited hands.

one could also compile stats for flop-card percentage...

and i think most on here report that their stats show that they get trips, flushes, quads, etc, approximately the proper expected percentage of their play (trying saying that 5 times fast).

it's good that you have an open-mind about it.....it's even better that you have a sense of humour after getting blasted on the forums like that.

04-13-2004, 02:28 AM
all is forgiven!

04-13-2004, 02:57 AM
Lies. He is clearly a Pokerbot.

04-13-2004, 03:13 AM
Where are the Gay Poker Rooms.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, where "holding the nuts" really means something.

[/ QUOTE ]


rusty JEDI
04-13-2004, 04:00 AM
Okay, Okay! I give! I am brand new at this Poker thing. I never played the game before 2 months ago. I have never played a live game, only games on the Internet. In my defense, I am a programmer for one, and a very quick study. I have read some books on the subject, and fully understand the logic and the math.

I always look for holes in programs. After all, on the Internet you are playing with/against a program as well as the people.

Try a test and see for your self.

1) Pick a poker site and don't go to it for a couple days. Or better yet find a new one.

2) Log in to your session # 1 for the day pick a low limit table.

3) play 20 hands and raise all of the way through each hand not matter what the cards.

4) log out of the site and shut off your computer for a 1/2 hr. This is so you will have a fresh IP address the next time you log in.

5) Turn on your computer and log back into the same site.

6) go to the same low limit table and play 20 hands the exact same way. rainsing all the way through the hands.

I would be interested in the outcome.

I have done this twice on different sites and the outcome was the same. I had a net win on session # 1 and a net loss on session # 2.

Oh yeah, I was fresh as a daisy for all of the sessions. Had my Wheaties that morning and that sort of thing.

[/ QUOTE ]

You have just caught onto the perfect winning strategy. If you are so sure of your system why dont you get accounts at 20 sites, and do this 20 times per day making sure you never play a second session at any site for that day. You will be rich in no time at all.


04-13-2004, 07:05 AM
Imagine what would happen to the poker site people found out was rigged. I believe they stand to lose more than they gain, unless they believe that they can keep it a secret for a few years, and when people finally find out, they just take all the money and live happily ever after. Even so, I'm not sure that's more profitable compared to keep the site running (forever).

The swings you experience are nothing new. They say pro's can have a several months, heck, even a year, long losing streak.

04-13-2004, 07:33 AM
If this is the same mtndude that was playing party 15/30 last nite - it is not the cards. Your game really sucks, seriously and honestly - you are really bad.

If your not that guy please ignore - if you are don't make whacko posts because your game sucks and are a losing player. Work on your game and then try again.


04-13-2004, 10:38 AM
In all seriousness, welcome to the forum! There really is a lot of useful information on this site, and this thread has given me some real entertainment. Now excuse me....I am trying to find the homosexual poker sites....I need a pair of queens /images/graemlins/shocked.gif

04-13-2004, 12:02 PM
So, out of the millions or so possible board/hand combinations, you think you got enough of a sample size that any result is statistically significant?

Kurn, son of Mogh
04-13-2004, 01:56 PM
is it rigged to stop people from playing to often?

Poker rooms make their money on the rake. Thus, the more people play, the more money they make. What logic is there for a site owner to rig his site so he makes less money?

04-13-2004, 05:43 PM
Is this just me or is it rigged to stop people from playing to often?

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Its just you...seriously.

Franchise (TTT)
04-13-2004, 09:20 PM
I have read some books on the subject, and fully understand the logic and the math.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think you do. Try reading through archives in the Beginners, Micro-Limits, and Probability forums.

In my defense, I am a programmer for one, and a very quick study.

4) log out of the site and shut off your computer for a 1/2 hr. This is so you will have a fresh IP address the next time you log in.

[/ QUOTE ]

I have to say, for a "programmer" I'm not real impressed with your computer skills either. But that's off-topic.

04-14-2004, 07:43 AM
Yep, they spend heaps on advertising to attact new members to not play at the tables.