View Full Version : Iraqi's have been liberated.

04-10-2004, 09:07 AM
Praise allah we dont live in a police state anymore:

Two friends were arrested for not having a bomb last week when the dog decided their bag smelled funny. They were jailed for four days. One morning in Albu Hishma, a village north of Baghdad cordoned off with barbed wire, the local US commander decided to bulldoze any house that had pro-Saddam graffiti on it, and gave half a dozen families a few minutes to remove whatever they cared about the most before their homes were flattened. In Baquba, two 13-year-old girls were killed by a Bradley armored personnel carrier. They were digging through trash and the American rule was that anybody digging on road sides would be shot.

An ongoing murder investigation is being conducted by the 4th infantry division after its soldiers in Samara handcuffed two suspects and threw them off a bridge into a river. One of them died. In Basra, seven Iraqi prisoners were beaten to death by British soldiers. A high-ranking Iraqi police official in Basra identified one of the victims as his son. It is common practice for soldiers to arrest the wives and children of suspects as "material witnesses" when the suspects are not captured in raids. In some cases the soldiers leave notes for the suspects, letting them know their families will be released should they turn themselves in. Soldiers claim this is a very effective tactic. Soldiers on military vehicles routinely shoot at Iraqi cars which approach too fast or too close, and at Iraqis wandering in fields. "They were up to no good," they explain. Every commander is a law unto himself. He is advised by a judge advocate general who interprets the rules as he wants. A war crime to one is legitimate practice to another.

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Secularism is coming, praise allah. Thankfully the asses dont shake.

Sunni Arabs no longer threaten the Shi'ites, who know Iraq is theirs now. Only America stands in the way of the long suppressed Shi'ite hope to control Iraq and establish a theocracy. Their expectations are high, now is their time to inherit Iraq. Leading Iraqi Shi'ite cleric Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani has not left his house for nearly a decade, but he pronounces judgments on everything from elections to whether or not women should wear high heel shoes (they cannot because it makes their asses shake too much).

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Praise allah, many thanks to the Americans.

In every mosque and religious center in the country one can purchase the DVDs, CDs, tapes and literature of the Islamic revolution that rejects "American democracy" and "American freedom". In Shi'ite stores you can buy books about Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini of Iran, and in Sunni stores you can buy radical Sunni magazines published in Saudi Arabia.

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For a primer on how lunatic terrorists are created by lunatic liberations read the rest at:

When fear turns to anger. (http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/FD09Ak01.html)