View Full Version : Reached my fourth poker goal

04-05-2004, 02:37 PM
After a three week break from poker i have started up again and achieved my fourth poker goal. I know have turned my original $30 into $600 + $100 that i have put aside for poker tracker and books. My first goal of $100 was reached at the end of january and my second goal of $300 was reached during the end of febuary. when i got to 500 i want bonus whoring a little but lost the entire 150 i gained from the bonuses, i took 100 out for books and poker tracker. then from wensday of last week to now i made 200 to 600!!!!

any advise or things i should be ready for at 1/2 on empire?? because thats where i am going.

04-05-2004, 02:55 PM
Apparently the 1/2 game is significantly tighter than the .5/1 game. Maybe even worse than the 2/4 games.

If thats true, I think its great because it means when you are ready to move up to 2/4 you will be ahead of the curve and ready to start crushing the games right away.

04-05-2004, 03:05 PM
i was just wondering about that. Not that i am going to move up before my next goal of 1200+

but i was looking at the 1/2 games and i was wondering if, because there are 6 max games, the 10 player games are tighter??

are the 6 max games better (i've never played short handed but i feel i am a quick learner) would it be worth it to move there instead of to the 10 player games??

this was supposed to be a reply to nottom oops.