View Full Version : Revenge

04-03-2004, 01:06 PM
I host a weekly home game with friends that my wife and I have done quite well in. We have won 11 nights in a row for a considerable amount of money. A lot of the players have stopped coming because of this so the last three weeks have been shorthanded with six players.
One of the players is a good friend of mine who is normally a good player, but is set on taking down my wife and I. He is so consumed with revenge that he calls all the way to the end with inside sraight draws or trys to go runner runner for flush draws etc.
It is no longer enjoyable to play with him since he loses big every night we play and storms off home. The other players have changed thier styles and are developing into desent players. I have tried to talk to him about his play, but he will not listen. Is it time to ban him from the game? Anyone else play with a simular person. This just shows that when your sole purpose is revenge you lose. When you take things personal you lose! When you are impatient, you lose!

04-03-2004, 02:21 PM
When you tilt, you lose.

Instead of talking to him about his game, try talking to him about his behavior. Let him know that it is unacceptable and that if he continues he will not be invited back.

Don't coach him on his game unless he asks for advice b/c you will just be throwing salt on the wounds. He's obviously not listening anyway.

Good Luck.

04-03-2004, 02:33 PM
If he wasn't a good friend, I would say let him burn away his chips. Outside of talking to him about his behavior (not his play as previous poster mentioned), there isn't much you can do other than reap the rewards of his tilt.

Hope is works out ok though, good friends are hard to come by these days...


04-03-2004, 02:40 PM
Why would you ban him? If he wants to continue to throw his money to you why not let him? Its not as if banning him will mend any relationship here anyway, it will just piss him off more. So, if the guy is gonna be pissed at you anyway, you may as well take his money in the process.