View Full Version : Why do they say NL is more boring than limit?

04-02-2004, 08:54 PM
Mason's post in the Theory forum reminded me of this question I wanted to ask.

Recently I have read posts from Mason, Ulysses, and others stating that no-limit ring games are painfully boring.

I am a primarily a limit player, but I have a friend who plays the NL games at party. He wins more money, and I always see the terrible plays these NL players make, literally just giving their money away. Coldcalling $100 preflop with 32o.

So he has always tried to convince me to play NL, usually by saying 'you make more money' as well as 'its more fun.' He likes the thrill of pushing the huge stack around and whatnot. Also a lot of new players always might play limit for a few hands, but they usually go to the NL because they think its more fun.

I really haven't played enough NL to say that its boring, I have just always preferred limit.

So really what is it about NL thats so boring? It seems exciting...Is it because you can only play when you have a bigger edge? I see my buddy constantly dumping a lot of marginal hands; he's not weak-tight but coming from a limit background a lot of the times it appears that way.

I have also noticed I get to raise preflop a lot more. He thinks I'm crazy when I raise AJo UTG. I'm guessing this could be part of it too, because raising is more fun than limping around.

Anyways what are your thoughts?

04-12-2004, 10:20 PM
It may be considered more boring by some because you'll fold a lot more hands and often won't see a river card if you're in the hand on not.

04-12-2004, 10:59 PM
My games are boring. It's usually a raise preflop, a pot bet then it's over. From 4 hours of multitabling 6 tables i'll usually have about 2 interesting decisions.

04-15-2004, 10:33 PM
Indeed. Tight NL games are kind of dull. Loose Action NL games (like the home game I play in on Saturday Nights) are great. Makes it a lot easier to fold those marginal/crap hands and watch some of the suckers battle royale the pot over a raggedy flop. Always interesting to me, and all the crazy money flying back and forth keeps the suckers coming back and trying my monsters with their lucky catches.

04-16-2004, 12:11 AM
As Jay was alluding to, there are a lot more decisions that have to be made in limit. This is true even with the fish that play on Party and do the things you describe. NL players argue that these decisions are more difficult but there are certainly fewer of them. Frequently pots are taken down on the flop. If not, often both players pretty much have agreed to put their chips in and see what happens. For example, preflop if you were to call a raise and on the flop you get bet half your stack you are pretty much then deciding whether you wish to put the rest of your stack in play or not. On the turn there is pretty much no decision to make.

It's boring because there are fewer decisions. It is more exciting because there is so much money being pushed around. For me, in poker there is nothing more exciting than seeing a scare card and bluffing my whole stack because I know my opponent was afraid of it and taking down the pot. Ok, maybe looking down at pocket aces and seeing a raise and two reraises before me is exciting too.