View Full Version : PokerTracker - What to look for

03-31-2004, 11:20 AM
I have had poker tracker for about 2 weeks and have played about 5000 hands of 1/2. I consider myself a student of the game (I read a lot, both 2+2 books and posts)and would like to become a winning player.

Other than BB/Hr, I really don't know what numbers to look at on poker tracker (or what many of them mean, for that matter.)

What should I be looking for?
Any comments/suggestions welcome.


03-31-2004, 01:53 PM
search the archives here

03-31-2004, 03:36 PM
There are about a million posts on the forums (search for PT Stats or pokertracker and I'm sure you will find a ton of posts) but I'll go ahead and run down the basics.

VP$IP: This should usually be somewhere in the 15-20 range, usually a bit on the high side at .5/1 and tightening up as you go up in limits.

PFR%: 7-10% is probably a good place to be here. Any lower and you are likely playing too passive preflop, get much higher and you are a borderline maniac.

Won $ at SD: 52-57 is prolly a good number here. Lower means you are calling down too much, higher means you are likely folding some winners on the river.

And of course the obvious ones like win rate, Std Dev, positional stats, individual hand winnings and things of that nature.