View Full Version : Beware AceSpade Software

03-29-2004, 01:03 PM
I recently purchased this company's $124 HE software package. My experience with them has been quite awful. The software is clunky and very user unfriendly and quite useless for any kind of decent hand or strategy analysis. It also freezes regularly, requiring my XP system to be rebooted. Their "tech support" has been similarly unhelpful. I then notified mailed the software back and they then lied to my credit card company saying they never received it. So I am stuck with the charge and a junky package. Hopefully, this message will alert other users from being ripped off like me.

03-29-2004, 09:34 PM
I think you should call your credit card company and inform Acespade that you will be contacting the BBB.

03-29-2004, 09:40 PM
Unfortunately since I sent the software back via USPS without a receipt request it's simply their word vs. mine. This post and other messages on my playing sites will get the word out and hit them where it hurts the most.